formerly Tan Temptations
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Tan Indoors?
Whether you get your tan indoors or outdoors, you skin produces a tan the same way - by absorbing ultraviolet light. When you tan outdoors there are a large number of factors that affect how much ultraviolet light you get - sky conditions (clear vs cloudy), latitude (how far north/south you are), altitude, time of day, season, the type and strength of sunscreen; the list goes on. Fifteen minutes today may give you a tan; fifteen minutes tomorrow could burn you badly. By tanning indoors you are in a controlled environment where you get a consistent amount of ultraviolet light day in and day out. Exposure times are determined by equipment and trained professionals that take into account previous tanning sessions as well as the tanner's skin type. In this way your tan gets a chance to develop properly without burning.
Will I Tan Indoors?
If you can tan outdoors in the sun, you can tan indoors - it's the same UV light, in the same proportions, as you would get outside. It is a higher intensity but it is over a relatively short period of time so you can get the same exposure in 10-20 minutes indoors that you would need over an hour to get outside. If you tend to burn outdoors then we recommend to start off with a shorter exposure time for the first few sessions while you build a tan.
How Quickly Will I Get a Tan?
This depends heavily on your skin type and how easily you tan outdoors. On average it will take 3-7 sessions to achieve a good base tan if you tan every second day and follow the regimen recommended by our staff. After a base tan is established you can maintain it with regular visits. The frequency of the visits depends on your individual skin characteristics and the type of tanning bed but will typically be once or twice per week.
How Often Can I Tan?
We require a minimum of 24 hours in between tans. For best results, you should wait 36-48 hours between sessions as it may take that long for your skin to react to the last session. It takes as long as 48 hours for your body to produce melanin after your tanning session, so going more frequently will not develop the tan any quicker.
Does a Tanning Lotion Really Help To Get a Better Tan?
Yes! Without lotion, UV rays take 5-7 minutes to penetrate dry skin. If you use indoor tanning lotion, your skin starts tanning in the first 30 seconds of your session! Our high-end products are made of a light, non-greasy formula that is designed to help you develop a tan quicker while also moisturizing your skin and prolonging the life of your tan. Our staff is happy to recommend a lotion that is tailored specifically to your skin type for the best results.
Would Outdoor Lotions and Oils Cause Any Problems When Used in a Tanning Bed?
Yes. Outdoor products are formulated differently from indoor products and they produce better results when used outdoors. If you apply outdoor lotions and oils when using a tanning bed, the tanning bed acrylic gets damaged and there is a chance that it can crack while you are in the bed!
Can I Shower After Tanning?
For optimum results, it is recommended that you wait at least 4 hours after tanning to take a shower.
Do I Have To Wear Eyewear/Goggles When Tanning Indoors?
Yes, always! The skin around the eyes is the thinnest so your eyelids won't protect you and covering your face with a towel is not enough protection as the UV light can still penetrate through. Repeated exposure to UV light without eyewear can cause burns, cataracts, loss of night vision and permanent damage to your eyes. At Tan Temptations, we provide the eyewear for our clients to borrow during their tanning session and we disinfect the eyewear after each use so there is no excuse to not use eyewear!
How Long Will My Tan Last if I Stop Tanning?
Once you stop tanning, your skin will fade back to its natural colour in approximately 28-30 days. It takes about that long for the upper layer of your skin to shed and be replaced by untanned cells from the lower layer. Proper skin care with tanning lotions and moisturizers will delay the exfoliation process, however a tan can only be maintained through repeated exposure to UV light.
I Thought Vitamin D Only Came From Natural Sunlight?
No. The ultraviolet rays produced in tanning beds supply you with UV-B rays which are responsible for the development of Vitamin D. Indoor tanning is an excellent source of Vitamin D during months where outdoor exposure to natural sunlight is not available. Between 10,000 and 20,000 IUs of vitamin D are produced in a single tanning session!
What is the Difference Between UVA and UVB Rays?
UV-A rays are the most gentle of the suns rays. They are responsible for completing your tan by turning the melanin in your skin a golden brown. UV-B rays are responsible for the tanning process by triggering the skin to release melanin, as well; UV-B rays supply your body with Vitamin D, an integral part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.