formerly Tan Temptations
Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is the most important nutrient to the cells in your body and plays an integral role in almost every bodily function. It is responsible for producing up to 90% of your body’s energy and it makes up approximately 96% of your body’s nutritional needs.
You can live without food for weeks, without water for days, but only a few minutes without oxygen.
Oxygen Therapy Benefits
90% of our energy comes from oxygen
Heightens concentration, alertness and memory
Vital to your immune system, memory, thinking and sight
Promotes healing and counters aging
Strengthens your heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks
Speeds up body's recovery after physical exertion
Provides a natural remedy for headaches, migraines and hangovers
Improves digestion and cell metabolism
Relieves muscle stiffness, supports pre-athletic performance
Lessens Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and gives better sleep patterns